Sunday, December 12, 2010

E-Learning 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)

Product Type: Interactive Multimedia Application on CD

Age : 6-12 years old

Education Level : Primary School

Location : Malaysia

Language : English (basic)

Software: Macromedia Director MX

Intro Page

Welcome Page

Main Page

Recycle Page

Reduce Page

Reuse Page

Photoshop Skills

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pet Adoption Campaign

Target Audience

Age : 18-25 Years Old

Sex: Female & Male

Occupation: Student

Software: Adobe Premier CS4, Adobe After Effects CS4, Adobe Illustrator CS4

“Fetch Me Home” Pet Adoption Campaign

The word “Fetch Me” is used because it is to persuade, or to give awareness to the audience about pet adoption. “Home” is actually what these cats are in need.

The TVC (Public Service Anouncement)

Packaging Design

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 3D Max, Adobe After Effects

Packaging Design

Voucher Design

Paper Bag Design

3D Packaging Animation


3D Animation

Software: AutoDesk Maya

3D Garden Animation

Sunway Lagoon

Software: Adobe Illustrator, 3D Max
Logo Design

Information Counter

Livery Design

100 Plus Health Campaign Banner

Software: Adobe Flash

"Go Green" Campaign


Inside Brochure

Stationary Items

Paidism Resources
(photography and art design company)

Pangkor Island Resort

Logo Designs

Pet Adoption Campaign

Pangkor Island

Pangkor Island

Souqa Chips
(Banana Chips with Chocolate dipping sauce)

Housing Development Corporation